5th July – Back to Public Worship

After 15 weeks of not being able to gather for worship in our church premises it was a great joy to have the privilege of preaching to a live congregation once again in our church hall on July 5th. Thank you to Robert, Roy and Dan for sorting things in regard to getting the sound levels right in the hall and car park and to Lois for pre-recording the one psalm we sang at the end of each service, seated and with doors open at that stage. Thanks also to Michael and William for stewarding, hand sanitising and after church cleaning work, and to Jennifer for quickly getting the recordings uploaded to the website for those who were not able to be at church this week.

The last day I had been able to be present at Kilraughts for morning worship was on March 8th, and on that day we had 70 people present. Fast forward to July 5th and we had 62 people indoors and 8 outside in cars – a total attendance of 70, which was really good to see. Our seating was arranged in groups of 2-7 with two metres between each group of seats, and that left just a couple of pairs of seats unoccupied. If necessary the Session Room was available for extra seating. Thank you to all who made it along and for following all the necessary safety procedures.

We also held an evening service, where all who had been out in the morning sat in exactly the same seat as they had used previously. The evening attendance was lower, with 32 inside and one person in a car. The same arrangements will be in place for July 12th. Do please let me know by 6pm on Sat 11th if there are any changes you know of for our seating requirements as we need to make maximum use of the available space by having the chairs set out according to the anticipated group sizes.

Rev. David Fallows