At our Session Meeting on 29th June we discussed arrangements for those who are not able to attend our worship services at present. Session agreed that it would not be feasible to continue with the minister recording two services on Friday night and then leading the two services on the Lord’s Day. This would not be something that would be an option with a visiting preacher when the minister is on holiday.
Our intention is to record the services and then as soon after the service as possible the services will be uploaded to the sermons section of this website. For our 12 noon service, the recording could be available by 2pm and for the 7.30pm service the recording could be available by 9.30pm if everything goes smoothly. Those who have internet access will be catered for in this way.
For those who are not able to attend the services and do not have internet access to our church website, the hope is that a CD copy of the morning service will be made soon after the service and distributed to those who need it on the Sabbath afternoon. We didn’t discuss making the evening service recordings available on CD, but this should be possible. These would not be ready for distribution until Monday at the earliest.
As far as we are aware these arrangements should cater for everyone. If that is not the case then please contact me as soon as possible to let me know.
Rev. David Fallows.