Wedding of Rachel Fallows and John McCullough

Things went according to plan on Wed 22nd July for the wedding in Kilraughts of Rachel Fallows and John McCullough, but not the original plan. When lockdown measures were put in place on March 23rd, for a good while afterwards there were no weddings allowed at all. Thankfully things then began to ease a little and by the time John and Rachel’s wedding date came round it was possible to hold the wedding service in the church building, though with a much reduced number of guests due to social distancing regulations.

As the bride’s father I got to drive her to the church, walk her up the aisle, say my “I do” in response to “who gives this woman?” and then conduct the marriage ceremony. The service was introduced by Rev. David McCullough, the groom’s father and he also gave the address following the ceremony. The weather was dry and bright and warm for the arrival of the bride, for the photos after the ceremony and for the time when further photos were being taken at the reception venue – the Manor House in Kilrea.

God answered prayers wonderfully for the wedding and after honeymooning in the Torr Head area, John and Rachel are now living in Glasgow and worshipping with the Glasgow congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

Rev. David Fallows