Prayer and plans were made, invitations given out and adverts put in local press for our meeting. The story of John Deere tractors was told from a farming, historical, engineering and Christian perspective. Our speaker was George Conn, retired Faith Mission Worker and former mechanic. His presentation was competent and God-honoring. Our Church Hall was well filled with folk from near and far. The gospel was interspersed throughout the talk and Bible verses such as Psalm 42 v 1 ’ As the deer pants for streams of water’ included. He told how God was acknowledged in the Deere family and their involvement in their place of worship. Their willingness to serve in the Church and the need to put God first in business and in family life all came across. The history, family tree and the mechanics of not only the tractors but other farming implements were all explained in clear ways to the farming audience yet still suitable to non-farmers. Over an hour flew by with challenge and delight.
End Summary
A – Acknowledge your sin
B – Believe in God’s Son Jesus Christ
C- Come to Jesus by faith for Salvation
D- Be Determined to go on with the Lord